Wat zijn de nieuwe functies in Adobe Captivate 9 en hoe verhouden deze zich tot Articulate Storyline?
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Do not buy Adobe software! [en]
Adobe recently made me happy with the message that they added real drag & drop capabilities (as well as in Articulate Storyline) to Captivate 6. The presentation on YouTube looks promising. It appears that Adobe, after the previous trick with the intermediate version of CP5.5, again found another to empty …
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Koop geen Adobe software! [nl]
Onlangs maakte Adobe mij blij met het bericht dat aan Captivate 6 echte Drag & Drop mogelijkheden (net zo mooi als in Articulate Storyline) worden toegevoegd. De presentatie op YouTube ziet er veelbelovend uit. Het blijkt dat Adobe, na de eerdere truc met de tussenversie 5.5, opnieuw iets heeft bedacht …
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Captivate 6: Smart Shapes
Faster than I expected Captivate 6 is now available. At the transition from version 5 to 5.5, I was very reluctant. With Captivate 6 we get new possibilities. The sneek peeks from Adobe were very promising. This morning Twitter reported that Captivate 6 was available. Fortunately I was able to …
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Changing captions (cheat Captivate)
The situation In a Captivate project, we want to change the look and/or the margins of the captions. We have a new set of captions and stored the bmp and fsz files. De situatie In een Captivate project willen we de vormgeving van de gebruikte captions aanpassen. We hebben een …
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Seeing a question = attempting a question?
When have you actualy tried to answer a question? I think after you actually gave an answer. Captivate thinks differently. The moment a question slide is displayed, Captivate counts this as an attempt. This is very annoying when the student only has one attempt, and upon seeing the question decides to …
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Advanced Answer Options and Question Pools?
Advanced Question Options are great if you want to customize the feedback and jump to specific slides.However, you cannot use these options if the question is part of a Question Pool. This example shows what happens when you use Advanced Question Options in Question Pool questions. Advanced Question Options zijn …
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